Mehibi FAQ

Mehibi FAQ Can I use your resources for commercial works?

Yes, you can. All free and premium resources from Mehibi are royalty-free . You are allowed to use every items you’ve downloaded for personal and commercial works.

What kind of commercial works that meet your license?

You can use Mehibi design resources to create website, web application, software, smartphone app, logo, business card and flyer for clients. You can also print any design graphics from Mehibi on a mug, t-shirt, and business card. Attribution (especially for free resources you use) would be greatly appreciated. Further inquiries about Mehibi license please contact us here.

Your free design resources are great! Can I share them to others?

Yes, of course. You can share them using spesific link to the resource’s page on Mehibi website. HOTLINKING is forbidden, means you are not allowed to make a direct link to the download items hosted on

Who is behind

We are a team of graphic and web designers from Indonesia. We spend our most time crafting graphic and web design stuff and would love to share our works with you.

Can I hire you for a freelance work?

Yes, you can. Please contact us here using this subject: “Freelance project with Mehibi” and tell us about your project. We will reply you soon.

I’ve made a payment for one of your premium resources, but I didn’t get the download link. Can you help me?

First, please check your spam folder. If you don’t find our email regarding your purchase, please contact us here using this subject: “Premium resource download problem”.